Photography competition

The Dyer Craft of Dundee

The competition theme was wide-ranging and could include the Dundee that inspired and influenced Mary Slessor in a spiritual way, or the photographs that she would have taken to Africa as a memento if she could.

Entrants could submit images in colour or black and white no larger than A4 size.

Each entrant could submit up to three photographs.

Short story competition

The Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee

The competition aimed to promote a wider awareness of Mary Slessor’s story and her work in Africa.
The organisers ‘hope that the competition will inspire pride in the City of Dundee for all of the young people taking part’.

Pupils could enter a play script, poem, fictional narrative, newspaper article or other form of writing depending on their individual styles, interests and strengths.

Word limit 800 words with two categories, fiction and non-fiction.

Winners fiction:
My Angel by Chloe Robertson, Morgan Academy (read)
Mary Slessor by Nicola Dempsey, Grove Academy (read)

Winners non fiction:
Mother of all the peoples by Ebu Omenuko, Morgan Academy (read)
Mary Slessor by Martin Baldie, St Pauls RC Academy (read)

Children’s postcard competition

The Church of Scotland, World Mission Council

The competition entrants responded to the question: Think about our world today, if you could change one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be? How can you make a difference? Entrants could produce a picture, cartoon, collage, poem or short story on their postcard.

Winners and runners up in each age group:

Pre School:
1st: Molly Dunbar, The Steeple Church, Dundee
2nd: Olivia Weir, St John’s Youth Church
3rd: James Wright, St Leonard’s Sunday School

1st: James McBurney, 62nd Larbert Scout Group
2nd: Lucy Morgan, 2nd Hurlford Brownies
3rd: Liam McAulay, Newburgh Primary School



1st: Ythan Deklan Shaw, Fair Isle Primary
2nd: Kegan, Pilrig St Pauls Church of Scotland
3rd: Ellie Donald, Fraserburgh West Parish Church

1st: Anna Thomson, Bishopbriggs Girls Brigade
2nd: Chloe Mather, 4th Coatbridge Girls Brigade
3rd: Sarah Davenport, Jedburgh Grammer School


Scottish Charity No. SC032781

© Mary Slessor Foundation 2016