The Vision

The Mary Slessor Foundation (MSF) vision is to emulate the work of Mary Slessor and in doing so raise awareness and increase understanding of the incredible story of her life and acheievements.

At present, MSF focuses on improving and attaining sustainable developments in the social, economic and health sectors of the community.  Development projects at the Skills Training Centre encourages people to be trained in mechanical engineering, welding, manufacturing, carpentry and forge operations.  Training is also offered in sewing and fabric design/manufacture.

Educational guidance helps build confidence in the abilities of the students, to raise their spirits and self esteem, share knowledge, and gather experience including the ability to train incoming students.  With a sense of renewed purpose, those attending the Skills Centre can work towards achieving life skills, competency, building a career and ultimately earning a living.

The clinic provides support in dealing with pernatal activities, aids, malaria, typhoid and other water born diseases with an outreach facility to the more isolated rural communities.

An agricultural Processing Mill specialises in producing Garri, which is a staple food of West Africa and also manufacturing palm oil.  Both products are sold to generate revenue as part of the projects self sustainability objectives.

It is the hope of the MSF trustees that we can reach self sustainability by 2015 with a Nigerian management and training structure in place.